COVID-19, The Untouchables
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the inner dictator in many of our nation’s lawmakers, the most draconian rules coming from the far-left extremists. But while they are imposing highly restrictive rules on their constituents, they exempt themselves, their families, friends and associates from them. While you risk getting arrested for opening your business, non-essential travel or being in public without a mask, they are living their lives by different rules. Do they know something about COVID we don’t or are they just willing to take away your natural rights while giving up nothing themselves? Here are some examples of our duly elected representatives, otherwise known as The Untouchables.
California’s Governor has never been considered a ‘man of the people’. He reinforced this recently by attending a birthday dinner for a lobbyist/friend at one of California’s most posh restaurants where meals start at $350/person. The dozen attendees were from multiple households — including executives from the California Medical Association — at a single table with no social distancing and no masks. While the Governor’s office claimed all state health code rules for COVID-19 were followed and the table was outside, photos of the event prove otherwise. The open-on-one-side room does not meet the California definition of “outdoors”. But even that stretch of the truth was eliminated when the glass door was closed because the Governor’s party was so loud they were disturbing the other restaurant patrons.
Not to be outdone, members of California, Texas and Washington legislatures recently attended an annual private political conference at the Fairmont Kea Lani in Maui, Hawaii for five days of policy discussions and schmoozing with the corporate sponsors. Morning meetings were followed by free time to enjoy the islands with their families who were also guests at the event.
California’s senior United States Representative and Speaker of the House was infamously caught getting her hair done in San Francisco when businesses of this type had been ordered closed. She of course called this a “set-up” and blamed the business owner who was forced to close her business because of the mob backlash. And who can forget her “let them eat ice cream” interview showing off how she is coping with the lockdown by enjoying ultra-premium ice cream from her twin Sub-Zero refrigerators with her grandchildren, from New York, during a travel ban.
Speaking of haircuts, Chicago’s mayor defended herself getting her hair done while ordering residents of the city to stay in their homes by saying “I’m the public face of this city”, “I’m on national media,” and “I’m out in the public eye.”
Other notables from around the country include DC’s Mayor exempting herself and her staff to attend a Biden celebration out of the district despite her orders on travel restrictions. New York’s Mayor going for walks in the parks away from his residence despite restricting New York City residents from doing the same. New Mexico’s Governor being able to shop and get her hair done despite ordering these non-essential businesses closed.
The list goes on and on and on. The common thread is those who make the rules feel they are not bound by them. They exempt themselves, their families, friends and political allies. How many of our elected representatives and other government officials have shared in the pain of losing their businesses, being laid off, losing all their benefits and being forced into poverty?
If you want to take a look at what a socialist regime looks like, look no further. This type of disparity and behavior is normal. The elite ruling class lead a life of privilege unincumbered the oppressive regulations they impose on the people.
Yes, COVID-19 is a deadly pandemic, but it has proven far less deadly than we have been led to believe. What may have started as good faith efforts to contain the spread has been perverted into a system designed to implement full government control over every aspect of our business and personal lives.
In the name of “public health”, we have been forced to giving up our right to free speech, to peacefully assemble, to practice our religion and to petition our government for redress of grievances. Yes, our basic First Amendment protected natural rights.
How many people have been arrested — some with inexcusable uses of force and fined exorbitant fees, for simply being out of their homes, not wearing a mask, opening their businesses or peacefully protesting their government? At the same time others are allowed to riot, assault, burn, loot, destroy with impunity because their cause is deemed worthy by local authorities.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights does NOT say, ‘unless there’s a pandemic’. Our rights do NOT get to be suspended for “two weeks to flatten the curve” or a year or two until everyone can prove they are vaccinated. It does NOT protect these rights for people with an approved ideology while denying them to those who disagree. It does NOT say these rights are protected for those who are in powerful government positions but not for the people they govern.
Do you really think they will stop at eliminating your First Amendment protected rights?
#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #FirstAmendment, #SecondAmendment, #Patriots, #Untouchables, #Tyranny, #COVID19, #BecauseScience, #mewe, #medium, #parler,