Free and Fair Elections? Oh Puhleeze!!

Odd Stuffing
3 min readJan 19, 2023


I’m going to pick up where I left off in 2022, talking about elections. It pains me to say the United States of America’s electoral process has become a worldwide joke. I’d compare it to what is going on to third world, banana republic nations, but sadly most of them have better elections than we do.

Why is a Second Amendment advocate so concerned about elections? It is because the people we elect, our representatives to local, county, state and federal positions, are the ones responsible for upholding our Constitution and any additional laws. When I hear politicians say “I support the Second Amendment, but…” that means they don’t understand the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or they just don’t care. Either way, I don’t want them representing me.

So, what were some of the shenanigans we saw during the 2022 midterm elections?

Lifelong democrats running as republicans.
Democrats actively supporting and financing low tier republican candidates as the ‘only person who can beat’ an incumbent democrat, knowing they have zero chance of doing so.
Setting up phony news organizations to publish campaign propaganda.

Ballot printer failures, misconfigurations and voting machine errors in primarily republican districts, all of which worked flawlessly up until changes made on election day.
Uncounted ballots mixed with counted ballots.
Voters disenfranchised in primarily republican districts.
Stacks of ballots being dropped off, fanned out for photographs, before being deposited into ballot boxes.

Legally required chain of custody paperwork not completed.
Ballots accepted and counted after cutoff times.
Ballots purposely sent to incorrect addresses.
Ballots purposely sent to illegal voters.
Completed ballots unaccounted for.
Completed ballots found in ditches.
Unexplained wild jumps of votes for only one candidate.
Counting taking days, weeks and even MONTHS.

Where does the establishment republican party stand on this? Pretty much nowhere. Since most of the election issues occurred in places where republican candidates supported by a certain former President were running, the GOP has been shockingly silent. So focused on purging anyone associated with the former President, they were willing to give up control of Congress to do it.

What has the GOP been up to instead? Well, there’s the supposedly critical to the country work of who will be on what committee, who will occupy what office space, what pointless political hearings need to be initiated as well as what bold, patriotic go-nowhere-because-they-know-they-can’t-get-past-the-senate bills can be passed in the house. And let’s not forget the backroom negotiations leading to 15 votes to install a Speaker of the House. Pathetic.

Funny, you and I had to endure the confusing and often disenfranchising punishment of ranked choice voting, but the Speaker of the House election didn’t. We also must trust the absolute integrity of absentee voting and ballot harvesting when our elected officials don’t. And when the big companies who throw their support behind mail in ballots for elections are faced with union votes, they insist on in-person voting because of the propensity of mail in voting fraud. Yet, we’re told this is essential, and anything less is a threat to democracy.

Some on the right have suggested that if one side cheats, the other side should cheat even harder. Naturally, that isn’t the answer and anyone who is cheating doesn’t deserve to win. Ensuring a level electoral playing field where the will of the people is respected is.

Election integrity matters for every seat on every board, from the local school board to the President of the United States. Without it, only the interests behind those running the elections are represented. Every community should insist on 100% compliance with the law and full open and accountable auditing.

Of course, if this isn’t for you or you’re just happy with all the shenanigans, so be it. But keep in mind the changing winds. There may come a day when you too may disagree with the way elections are run and the lack of accountability, and there will be nothing you can do about it.

Is that the free and fair elections you want?


#Oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #2A, #Politics, #CivicDuty, #GunControlFails, #GunVote, #ElectionFraud, #medium, #mewe, #parler, #gab, #gettr, #Telegram, #truthsocial,



Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.