Gun Control Part 2 — The Words Of A Psychopath

Odd Stuffing
5 min readApr 1, 2019


In Part 1 I talked about how criminal justice reform is letting more criminals get away with more crimes and letting those few who are arrested and brought to justice, out earlier. The criminal no longer fears the police or the courts; only their intended victim stands in their way. Enter gun control as the means to take that last limitation to crime and violence away and turn law-abiding citizens into law-abiding victims and set up gun control as the means for civilian gun elimination.

Gun control in the United States has been a slowly evolving effort with the eventual goal of complete civilian disarmament. Despite all the lies of “common sense public safety laws”, “nobody is coming for your guns” or “I support the Second Amendment, but…” the goal has always been to systematically reduce then eliminate the protections granted under the Second Amendment, or just repeal the Second Amendment altogether.

For those who haven’t admitted it yet, having a former United States Supreme Court Associate Justice — someone who’s job it was to interpret and defend the Constitution — come out and openly call of the repeal of the Second Amendment should spell it out pretty clearly. Or perhaps a more subtle attack under way with the Hawaii legislature to have the Second Amendment reinterpreted as a ‘collective’ vs. ‘individual’ right is more your style.

We now have a criminal justice system that does not punish criminal behavior or act as a deterrent to crime. Combine this with gun control laws eliminating the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families and what is the expected outcome?

As an example, take a look for yourself at the magical gun control cure of gun free zones. 98% of all mass shootings in the United States since 1950 have occurred in these gun free zones. Gun free zones are only a legal barrier for law-abiding citizens who do not wish to break the law and do nothing to prevent a criminal or terrorist from entering and committing any number of violent acts. These gun free zones provide a false sense of security for those who enter and often contain the most vulnerable members of our society, protected by nothing more than a sign declaring that guns are not permitted.

Try to imagine what criminal or civil laws or penalties would ever discourage a person intent on committing the ultimate crime of murder doing so in a gun free zone. Yet we deny the right for an ordinary citizen to bear arms in these magical gun free zones. Further more, gun control politicians continue to create more laws removing the ability of local school boards to allow legally armed citizens access to school ground or from training and arming volunteer teachers as a last line of defense. In fact, in some communities, schools are demanding their on-site law enforcement officers be disarmed while working inside the schools.

Now let’s look at the most recent massacre of innocents in New Zealand. A properly government licensed gun owner using illegal modifications to his legally purchased and registered guns is unopposed at two places of worship, killing 50 people. The pathetic police response time in excess of 30 minutes is being hailed as heroic. Within hours of the attack, while surviving victims were still bleeding and fighting for their lives and the dead not even cold yet, the Prime Minister promised, “gun laws will change”.

The government’s response was right out of current Chicago Mayor and former Presidential Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s playbook of “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. The tragic loss of life was simply an opportunity to progress an agenda that couldn’t get traction before. Now, because of this crisis, gun control in New Zealand, and the rest of the world, gets a big boost.

The psychopath low life that committed this atrocity released an 87-page manifesto just prior to beginning his homicidal rampage. In it, he explained he used guns because of the extra media coverage and the social discourse it would cause in the United States. He specifically called out the division over the Second Amendment and the division his attack would cause.

Here in the United States, the gun control zealot politicians are jumping up and down celebrating the new ban on so-called “assault weapons” in New Zealand and their ability to enact a ban, and confiscation of lawfully owned firearms, so quickly following this horrific act. They are calling this “true leadership”.

If you haven’t seen the connection between it all, let me spell it out for you. In order to achieve the goal of civilian disarmament, you have to create an environment where the atrocities can occur. You do this by making crime easier and more attractive to commit. You remove the penalties for crime and the ultimate penalty for the ultimate crime. You remove the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves from the most despicable criminal elements among us and you put the most vulnerable in a position to be the easiest victims.

In other words, you create the problem and when the inevitable violence occurs, you are standing by with the pre-designed, pre-made and pre-printed “solution” — stricter gun control — ready to be implemented when emotions are raw and your defenseless citizens are willing to give up more of their rights to “feel” safe. It’s so simple, even a psychopath could understand and exploit it.

Fortunately for us in the United States, we have a strong Constitution and Bill of Rights that includes the Second Amendment protected individual right to bear arms. Unfortunately, we have activist politicians and judges, along with mass media empires willing to push their agenda, who are willing to sacrifice our safety and our lives to achieve their goals of people control through gun control.

We need to defend our rights every single day, one person at a time if we want to keep our rights intact.

What are you doing to defend our rights?


#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #GunControlFails, #CaliforniaGunControlSchemes, #CrimeAndPunishment, #SwiftSevereCertian, #SoftOnCrime, #SoftOnCriminals, #CriminalJusticeReformFails, #mewe, #medium,



Odd Stuffing
Odd Stuffing

Written by Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.

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