Myths and Monsters from The Gun Control ID

Odd Stuffing
5 min readFeb 1, 2021


This year will see many direct assaults on our Second Amendment protected rights at the local, state and federal level. In order to justify these draconian and ineffective infringements, we’ll see a host of creative flawed logic and half-truths from the gun control zealots. They will try to convince us their laws are necessary by creating myths and monsters of problems where problems don’t exist. As such, I’m comparing these zealots to the human ID as neither are in touch with the external world or are affected by reality, logic or everyday life. They exist in their own closed existence and are attempting to tap into the basic fears of people looking for security in a chaotic world they themselves created. Let’s look at a couple of these myths and monsters from the gun control ID.

One of the more popular myths being spread by the gun control zealots is the 2020 surge in firearm sales is responsible for more gun violence. Here’s the way it was reported by one far left “news” outlet.

“An increase in gun purchases in just the first three months of the coronavirus pandemic was associated with a nearly 8% increase in firearm violence in the US, according to an estimate from researchers at the University of California, Davis.”

“That increase translated into an estimated 776 additional shooting injuries in the US from March through May, the researchers found. States that had lower levels of violent crime pre-Covid saw a stronger connection between additional gun purchases and more gun violence.”

What the reader is led to believe is that because of increased firearm sales, there were more shootings. A cause (firearm sales) and effect (more shootings). This of course is a carefully crafted lie. What really happened is the exact opposite. BECAUSE there were more shootings, more law-abiding citizens purchased firearms for protection.

If what they were implying was true, you would be seeing reports of about how people have been rushing to gun stores to buy guns and rushing out to commit acts of violence with them. It would be on the front page of every left-wing propaganda outlet and their lead story every night. Obviously, it has not, and the reason is simple. The historic increase in firearms purchases throughout 2020 has been by law-abiding citizens wanting to protect themselves and their families. And who can blame them?

2020 saw violent crime skyrocket as liberal controlled cities turned their streets over to the mobs. Blaming the police for centuries of so-called “systemic racism”, they slashed law enforcement budgets and reduced police presence and capabilities on the streets. Prosecutors pushed for the wholescale release of convicted criminals, including the most violent, and declined to press charges against new offenders. The result has been easily predictable. Criminals, thugs and “mostly peaceful” rioters have no fear of the police, courts or jails and can commit any crime they want with near impunity. You don’t have to believe me, just look at the news and witness the murders, shootings and assaults committed in broad daylight in front of crowds of witnesses by thugs who fear no consequences. This isn’t BECAUSE more firearms are being sold, this is WHY more firearms are being sold.

Another monster created by the gun control zealots is that so-called “assault weapons” or the ever-popular misnomer “weapons of war”, are “too deadly for civilian use” and must be eliminated.

Just for the sake of argument, let’s assume the gun control zealots are correct and so-called “assault weapons” are the most commonly used criminal weapon in the US. They are not, but let’s play along here. Their logic says banning these “assault weapons” will save all these lives.

To understand this logic, let’s compare it to another situation. The most commonly stolen vehicle in the United States is the Ford F-150 pickup at 38,938 per year. In order to eliminate 38,938 stolen vehicles, the government bans Ford F-150 pickups. Their expected result is 38,938 less stolen vehicles. Would this plan work? No, of course not! Banning the #1 vehicle theft target is only going to push thieves to steal more of the #2 vehicle theft target, the Honda Civic, and others further down on the list.

Likewise, banning one particular category of weapon is only going to increase the use of the next most popular categories of weapons. For those thinking that means we need to get rid of all firearms, please remember people have successfully been killing other people, one at a time and in mass quantities, since the beginning of time. If you eliminate one means, something else will be used in its place.

That’s because it isn’t the weapon, it’s the act of violence. The act of killing someone else has nothing to do with the tool used, it has to do with the desire to kill that other person. That’s why posting “Gun Free Zone” signs or making it a crime to use a certain kind of weapon will never prevent a single act of violence. If someone is going to kill another person, committing a homicide, the most serious criminal act possible, simply saying you can’t do it here or use this particular tool will do absolutely nothing to stop it.

So-called “assault weapons” themselves are used in only a small fraction of homicides; it’s just these are the instances the propaganda media highlights. Then of course there is the inconvenient truth that more homicides are committed in this country by knives or cutting instruments OR personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.) OR blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.) than ALL rifles — a category which includes the most widely used definition of “assault weapon”.

To correct this flaw, gun control zealots have expanded the definition of “assault weapons” to include more cosmetic features and even the semi-automatic mechanism itself, neither of which have anything to do with the so-called “lethality” of the firearm. They’ve also lowered the threshold of crimes to include assault instead of just homicide and included lawful uses of firearms, including by law enforcement, to increase the numbers.

These myths and monsters from the gun control ID are nothing more than an attempt to frighten people into believing they need to be protected from something which only exists in the dark recesses of disconnected minds. It’s used as justification to strip away rights — and firearms — from the law-abiding while simultaneously decreasing overall public safety.


#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #MythsAndMonsters, #GunControlFails, #AssaultWeaponBanFails, #ForbiddenPlanet, #Freud, #mewe, #medium, #parler, #gab,



Odd Stuffing
Odd Stuffing

Written by Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.

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