Second Amendment: 2021 — A New Hope

Odd Stuffing
4 min readJan 4, 2021


A New Hope

At the risk of a violent response from the Dark Side (Disney), I’m starting off the new year with an optimistic view of the Second Amendment by referring to 2021 as “A New Hope”. In troubling times when their government turned their back on law-abiding citizens, millions of Americans have recognized the need to purchase, own and use firearms to defend their lives and the lives of their families. This is the absolute opposite to the gun control zealots claim that firearms are being shunned in this country. As we look forward to the challenges emerging on the horizon, I for one am comforted knowing there are millions more exercising their Second Amendment protected rights.

For those who contend more guns equals more violence and death, recall those long-buried CDC (Centers for Disease Control) studies that found civilian defensive use of firearms outnumbered felonious use by a rate of 3 to 1, to the tune of 2.5 to 3 million uses per year. It is critical to note that not all of the events involved the discharge of a firearm by the civilian. Often times, the mere presenting or challenge to the criminal with a firearm was enough to stop the intended crime. It’s also important to realize this number ONLY includes persons who were not performing defensive duties as part of their employment such as law enforcement or security services.

Let’s not kid ourselves about the challenges 2021 will bring. The incoming Harris/Biden [sic] administration has a significant gun control agenda including a ban and removal of so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines”, along with a host of other California inspired draconian and ineffective gun control laws. We’ve already seen the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) coordinating with the yet-to-be administration and making aggressive moves against the 80% market and pistol braces, priorities imported from the west coast.

The control of the Senate, and quite honestly of all three branches of government, is to be decided tomorrow in Georgia. Winning both seats would place the deciding vote for the Senate in the hands of the Vice President and allow a full, nationwide California style gun control agenda to pass. It would also allow the Senate to reshape the United States Supreme Court by either impeaching a conservative associate justice or packing the Court with liberal appointed justices to “reduce the influence of politics” on the Court. Thus, the final constitutional obstacle for eliminating our Second Amendment protected natural rights would be removed.

As unchecked violence rages in the extremist left controlled cities and states, mass releases of criminals, including those serving life sentences for murder and rape (to protect them from COVID-19), combined with prosecutors instituting their own versions of social justice reform by not charging those caught breaking the law or essentially eliminating any penalties, life for law-abiding citizens in these areas has become decidedly more dangerous.

So why do I have hope? In response to the violence and destruction caused by the “mostly peaceful” riots around the country, an interesting thing happened. Americans across the country decided to not become victims. As extremist left governors, mayors and city councils turned their cities over to violent mobs, holding back, hindering and defunding the police to give rioters free rein to loot, destroy property and attack innocent bystanders, more people began to realize the importance of the Second Amendment and personally owned firearms in modern society.

Conservative estimates place the number of firearms purchased in 2020 at upwards of 20 million, along with more than a billion rounds of ammunition. At least 40% of these purchases were made by people who have never owned a firearm before, including approximately 40% being purchased by women. The purchases were made by individuals from every walk of life, every level of society, every race, religion and political party.

The diversity of those purchasing firearms for personal protection in 2020 points out the best part of the Second Amendment. Despite what the gun control fanatics tell you, firearms are not the exclusive tool of a single, stereotypical geographic. The Second Amendment deliberately says, “the right of the people”. Not the government, not any race, gender, political party or location, the people, ALL the people.

Does millions of new firearm owners automatically equal millions more anti-gun control votes? No, of course not. What it does mean is the party that has for so long stood up and said its supporters are strongly opposed to gun ownership is going to have to come to terms with a lot more of its base recognizing the importance of firearms and the Second Amendment.

As Second Amendment supporters in 2021, we need to expand our focus from preaching to the choir to welcoming new firearm owners into the community. We need to help them with training, places to shoot, competition, hunting, sports and self-defense information. We need to invite them into our clubs and associations so they can be the best and safest firearm owners they can be. We need to demonstrate to all the new firearm owners that Second Amendment protected rights are as important today as they were when our nation was founded. There are a lot of supporters out there that only need a little encouragement to join in defending our rights.

This year is going to be a bitch. It’s time for all of us to stand together.


#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #GunVote, #ANewHope, #GunControlFails, #PleaseDontDeathStarMeDisney, #mewe, #medium, #parler,



Odd Stuffing
Odd Stuffing

Written by Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.

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