Two MORE Weeks To Flatten The Curve
Today marks day 255 since the original “Two Weeks To Flatten The Curve”. This week my home state of New Mexico returned to restrictive lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. The same draconian quarantine restrictions from the beginning of the COVID pandemic have been reimposed just in time for Thanksgiving. Non-essential businesses have been ordered to close, no indoor or outdoor dining and of course, masks are mandatory, and you must remain home with limited exceptions. New Mexico’s order is for two weeks, at which time the state will enter a new county-by-county color coded restriction system. Of course, since the beginning of COVID, there are winners and losers to this game. Guess which category you fall into?
Here are just a few highlights from around the country.
- Mask mandated in public and in your own home with limited exceptions, violators will be fined
- Stay at home except for essential trips such as for food, water and emergency medical care
- Curfews from 10 pm to 5 am
- Closure of all non-essential businesses
- Businesses allowed to remain open must close between 10 pm and 5 am
- No in-home gatherings larger than six people from more than two households
- No in-person classes for high schools and colleges
- No organized sports EXCEPT professional sports
- Restricted religious services without singing, chanting or playing instruments
- And… be sure to report your neighbors for violating the rules this holiday season!
Not to be outdone by anyone, California issued rules for Thanksgiving celebrations in your home. These include no more than two different households, held outside, social distancing and masks are required except briefly to eat and drink, food to be served individually on single use disposable dishes, bathroom breaks may be taken as long as the bathroom is disinfected regularly, and the entire event may last no more than two hours. The host must record the names and contact information of all attendees for contact tracing.
Various health organizations have added an emotional note to their Thanksgiving guidance by saying if you care for your elderly loved ones and want them to be around in 2021, you must celebrate Thanksgiving alone. To top it off, the self-proclaimed President Elect has applauded governors who have issued mask mandates and lockdowns, calling them patriotic.
We’ve also been told that negative COVID tests actually mean nothing. Since you may have JUST been infected before you get the test, travel plans for Thanksgiving, should include a 14-day strict quarantine, a COVID test, a properly socially distanced event, then another a 14-day strict quarantine after travel and another COVID test, to be safe. Because… science.
If you were to drive across the country you would find a dizzying array of wildly different health codes, home quarantine restrictions, testing requirements, mask mandates and even travel restrictions state-to-state, county-to-county and city-to-city. All for the same COVID and all because… science.
But then, there are the exceptions for certain businesses such as airlines. Many have been filling their middle seats (the ones they held open for social distancing at the beginning of COVID) claiming their standard air filtration systems make them safe. This even though they have dramatically cut back on the amount of disinfecting done to the airplanes. I suspect this may have something to do with the expiration of government funding covering their payroll and operating costs in September. Because… science.
BLM/Antifa “mostly peaceful” riots have always been exempt and to date, not a single case of COVID has been associated with any BLM/Antifa riot. On the other hand, according to a Stanford study (so you know it’s accurate), 18 rallies for President Trump were responsible for over 30,000 COVID cases and 700 deaths. Bear in mind this non peer-reviewed research was done ONLY by comparing counties that had rallies vs. ones that didn’t, not by actual contact tracing data available in all 50 states. It should be noted the same researcher would not be conducting a similar study of Biden post-election rallies since he said most of the people appeared to be wearing masks and they were more spontaneous in nature. Because… science.
But don’t fear, your elected representatives are right there with you suffering through the unemployment, economic losses and restrictions of liberty. Oh wait… they aren’t. Read about that in the next article; COVID-19, The Untouchables.
Who are the winners and losers? As it has been since the beginning of the pandemic, the winners have been the big box and big chain retailers who have been selected as essential and granted a monopoly by being allowed to remain open. These companies have once again posted record quarterly profits. The losers have been the small, privately own businesses forced to close, many forever, and the employees put out of work, broke, locked in their homes — if they are lucky to still have them — with no options for their very survival.
If this all seems arbitrary and pointless to you, you’re right. First we were told the only way to stop the spread was to wear masks and social distance. Now we’re told everything must be closed because masks and social distancing aren’t effective and COVID tests mean nothing. I have yet to see the science of closing businesses and implementing curfews from 10 pm to 5 am. Does COVID become bigger, more aggressive and infectious after dark?
The answer is no. The so-called “science” is to socially condition people to accept more and more government control over the way we do business, the way we interact with others, the way we live our lives and the way we think, even inside the privacy of our own homes.
Do you really think it will stop here?
#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #FirstAmendment, #SecondAmendment, #Patriots, #Responsibility, #Tyranny, #COVID19, #ZombieCovid, #BecauseScience, #mewe, #medium, #parler,