Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve: One Year Anniversary

Odd Stuffing
5 min readMar 11, 2021


Today we celebrate one year of “Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve” in the United States. While it’s been a difficult year for most of us, we have all learned a lot from it. Unfortunately, a lot of what we’ve learned is about how dictatorial our government can be and how the basic human rights and freedoms we thought were protected by our Constitution were so easily whisked aside for a “health emergency”. Far too many people seem to have forgotten the Bill of Rights wasn’t written with an “except for… ” clause and applies in every situation, especially emergencies.

With COVID we’ve learned that banning travel, requiring tests and mandatory quarantines from certain areas outside the country is racist and xenophobic. Banning travel, requiring tests and mandatory quarantines from certain states within the country is science.

We’ve learned masks are not required. Then we learned masks are required. Now we’ve learned double masks are required. And even though you are required to wear a mask, the people requiring them are not going to provide you one, but will fine you, cite you and physically wrestle you to the ground, arrest you and throw you in jail if you don’t wear one.

We’ve learned most anything will do for a mask, except those one-way value ones that actually offer you the best level of protection. Thin permeable cloth, scarves, your handkerchief, underwear, etc. are all acceptable as long as you cover your mouth and nose. We’ve also learned there’s no requirement to ever wear a fresh mask or treat the one you’ve been using out in public like it’s been exposed to anything contagious.

We’ve learned our state governors are the sole, unquestionable authorities on all aspects of life. They can dictate whether you can leave your home and under what circumstances, or if you must remain locked inside. We’ve learned governors can determine who you can have in your private home and who you can’t.

We’ve learned governors can dictate which businesses are “essential” and which ones are “non-essential” and destined to go out of business forever. We’ve learned governors can dictate what products can be sold, what hours businesses can be open, how businesses operate and how much employees must be paid, all with the stroke of a pen.

We’ve learned governors can dictate what conditions must be met in order for “non-essential” businesses to reopen, then move the goalposts on these conditions repeatedly to include more nebulous or “equitable” factors. The “science” and data behind these decisions do not have to be released as it “would confuse and potentially mislead the public if they were made public.”

We’ve learned governors can dictate which of your constitutionally protected rights are valid during a “health emergency” and which ones are suspended. Religion, free speech, peaceably assemble or petition the government for redress of grievances — are all subject to approval by the governor, as well as the ability to purchase or bear or use firearms.

We’ve learned the very politicians who impose family contact, business and travel restrictions upon you, exempt themselves and their families. Also exempted are professional sports teams, the entertainment industry and celebrities, as long as they subscribe to the correct political ideology.

We’ve learned public and private events are complex and must be evaluated by their political ideology.

Progressive, social justice “mostly peaceful” riots do not spread COVID-19.

Standing by yourself, wearing a mask in a public place to protest the lockdown is a violation of the health codes that override your First Amendment rights.

Celebrating a left-wing election victory does not spread COVID-19.

Conservative rallies are super-spreader events.

We’ve learned it is far too risky for public school teachers to go back into the classrooms, but hiring minimum wage, untenured “classroom monitors” to supervise children in schools while the teachers instruct remotely is safe.

We’ve learned that questioning the government authorities on the causes or treatment of COVID is subject to censure in the medical community as well as being censored in the news and social media worlds.

We’ve learned that our nation’s administration cannot explain why the COVID infection rates are so similar between lockdown and non-lockdown states. “… This is a little beyond our explanation.”

There are also some things we haven’t learned.

We haven’t learned the true origin of the pandemic. After dissecting, analyzing and investigating COVID-19 for over a year, the truth is still hidden. Sure, it seems to have originated from a certain area of a certain province in a certain overseas country (which we can’t talk about because that would be xenophobic) but did it develop organically or in a lab? If we suggest it was in a lab, we are thought of as conspiracy theorists.

The COVID vaccine is now available and being distributed around the country, subject to the ever-changing rules of the governors. Fortunately, first responders and health care workers are at the top of the list, but so are politicians and convicts, at least the convicts who weren’t released due to the risk of COVID. If you are not in one of the current priority groups being vaccinated, there are still multiple ways to get bumped up, as evidenced by the celebrities and favored industries being given priority jabs.

While the current CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) guidelines do allow for more freedom for those who are fully inoculated, masks, social distancing and other restrictions remain in place for the foreseeable future.

What does our future look like post-COVID?

Nobody is willing to commit to a timeline to return to a pre-COVID normal. In fact, most point to the “new normal” that will take its place. Depending on what day it is and who is talking, we may see universally less COVID restrictions in place by the end of 2021 or even 2022.

We can also look forward to “COVID Passports” to prove you have been inoculated in order to travel, work or go into stores and public venues. It is already being suggested you will need an annual COVID vaccination to stay protected and current in your “COVID Passport”. Naturally, the government would never mandate a COVID vaccination, but they will allow private businesses to do so with their full endorsement.

If you feel like you’ve been lied to in order to further political agendas, you’re not alone. Many in this country believe this is just another example of extremist politicians applying the rule of “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”. Far too many people have died, had their businesses and lives destroyed and their rights stripped away unnecessarily for a never ending “crisis”.

We used to be responsible for our own lives, our own businesses and our families. We used to be able to make our own decisions about what is best for our own family’s health and safety. It is WAY past time we started exercising our rights as citizens and boot the dictators out of office.


#BecauseScience, #BillOfRights, #Constitution, #COVID19, #FirstAmendment, #SecondAmendment, # TwoWeekstoFlattentheCurve, #mewe, #medium, #parler, #gab,



Odd Stuffing
Odd Stuffing

Written by Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.

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