Unapologetically Patriotic!
Today we celebrate the birth of our nation on July 4, 1776. The United States of America is now 243 years old and stronger than ever. On this day we celebrate as one people. But even as we do, we are told by the uber-politically correct that our patriotism is offensive because it is not inclusive enough. I have a simple question for these people. You do know this is the United States, the melting pot of the world, right??
With the exception of the Native American peoples, we are truly a nation of immigrants. This heritage has made us more diverse and stronger through the years. We are each proud of our individual cultures but even prouder of what we as a nation have become together. No matter where we came from, we are now all Americans.
Like every other nation, our history has had its share of dark and turbulent times. There are things we look at now and wonder how could this have happened in our land of the free? But our history is just that, history. We don’t have to be happy about the dark times, but we must be proud of how far we have come and where we are going. We cannot — and should never try to — whitewash our history away. As painful as the past may be, the only way to not repeat the past is to learn from it.
· Is our nation’s first flag offensive because it came from the slavery era? NO!
· Is hanging Old Glory offensive because it doesn’t represent all peoples? NO!
· Is saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of a government meeting or function offensive because some in the room may not be citizens? NO!
· Is saying “U S A” at a sporting event offensive because other nations may be in attendance? NO!
· Is listening to, singing or standing for the Star Spangled Banner offensive because someone wants a little more attention for their pathetic, self-centered life? NO!
You want to know what is offensive? Being made to feel ashamed because you are proud of your nation and want to practice respectful actions to show your pride and patriotism.
I am not going to hide or tone down my patriotism because someone has come up with a new trendy belief that doing so is offensive. I am proud of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution — and damn right I know the difference between them. I am proud of our Bill of Rights and will support and defend them with ever fiber of my being. This IS the United States of America and we are patriots!
I am unapologetically patriotic!
#oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #OldGlory, #BetsyRossFlag, #StarSpangledBanner, #Patriots, #Patriotism, #243, #USA, #mewe, #medium, #oddstuffing.com