Welcome To DCAZ (District of Columbia Autonomous Zone)
With the new administration transforming the United States Capitol into a fenced, barricaded and heavily armed military zone with its own rules and discriminatory access policies, it is high time to consider changing the Washington DC name to something more appropriate to the way the area is now being run. In the spirit of new militancy inspired by CHOP/CHAZ and the RHAZ (Red House Autonomous Zone), I am officially proposing the new name of DCAZ — the District of Columbia Autonomous Zone. And in a tip of the hat to the Cold War, the perimeter should be posted with historically correct “YOU ARE LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR” signs to warn United States citizens of the censorship and denial of rights and personal liberties to expect if they dare venture inside.
If you think about it, the DCAZ has a lot in common with CHOP/CHAZ & RHAZ. They all created armed and fortified barriers to keep out anyone who didn’t think like them and support their movement. They all have/had leaders that rule by executive mandate and edict instead of citizen and bipartisan consensus. They all operate/operated by rules and regulations that apply to them, and them only, and exempt themselves from laws of the “outside world”. They all highly censor/censored any information coming out of their zone. They all want/wanted to impose their way of thinking, and ONLY their way of thinking on everyone outside the zone.
Of course, the full name Washington District of Columbia is problematic and not reflective of the new thinking since it was named after our first president and founding father, George Washington and explorer Christopher Columbus. Washington was a slave owner who committed many other future crimes and Columbus was a colonizer. Given the absolute need to erase all of the names and any history associated with them, DCAZ (acronyms are themselves now considered racist) should be known as the Democrat Controlled Autonomous Zone.
Many have voiced concerns about proposals granting DC statehood and reversing the Residence Act of 1790 making it a federal district. Personally, I feel autonomous zone status is far more appropriate. Statehood would subject DC to rules, regulations and laws of common, non-privileged states. That would simply never be tolerated. DCAZ stands alone!
Welcome to your new United States Capitol.
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