You’ll Never Catch Me Doing That — Election 2022

Odd Stuffing
4 min readNov 7, 2022


Admit it, as a kid you probably said this to your parents more than a few times. You figured you were pretty damn clever too. You figured your parents would accept this statement as meaning ‘I won’t do that’, when what you really meant is ‘You won’t catch me when I do that’. Well, that’s pretty much the same thing going on with the 2022 Midterm Elections. You’ll never catch me doing that!

If the 2020 elections are known as *the most secure elections in history (the asterisk for all the laws broken, illegal votes, ballot box stuffing, election monitoring interference and results that took days to cheat/count), the 2022 elections will be ones that fine-tuned and perfected the process.

All the affidavits, lawsuits and videos — you know, all that conspiracy theory stuff that never happened — has become nothing more than training materials for this year’s elections. Instead of running vote tally centers like a Las Vegas casino floor or cash room with super high-definition cameras covering every activity from multiple angles, we can expect to see far fewer cameras of lesser quality with more obstructions. We can expect new physical barriers to block public views. Even without the COVID excuse for distance, monitors will be keep further away and not allowed to do their jobs. Tabulation machines will be on hidden networks and those middle of the night, unexplainable spikes in votes for only one candidate will be far more gradual and easily justified by pre-planned statements. In other words, you’re going to see far slicker, more sophisticated operations to get the desired result.

What is the desired result? A victory for “certain” candidates.

We’ve already been warned that Pennsylvania results will take days to be finalized. Why? Because it takes that long to massage results and craft the evidence to support it. Just about every other country in the world can count their votes and declare a winner the same day as the vote. Every village, town and city, no matter how big or small in this country used to be able to do that too. Has our population grown so much, and elections grown so complex that it takes days to do a simple count? No, of course not. But it does take that long to get the results you want.

It’s not much of a stretch to say a lot of people in our country have lost faith in our election process. Recent verified reports show multiple states’ election official training programs instructing their personnel directly in violation of state laws. “Mistakes” in sending out absentee ballots mean illegal ballots abound. Anarchist group members are already claiming to be voting multiple times.

Those in charge of elections are rejecting court rulings and implementing their own standards, guaranteeing the results will be back in the courts for days, weeks, months, and years, only to have the rulings ignored again the next time. Instead of embracing monitors and audits of the election process, administrators and city/county/state councils are stonewalling and refusing to grant access to their processes, systems, and documentation.

For you, the voter, how does this look? Does this give you confidence everything is being done by the book or does is raise questions about what is being done behind closed doors?

I’m also looking at incumbent candidates this year who are trying to obfuscate their track record. Let’s look at how our country has been doing over the past two years and see if these people deserve to continue doing the same thing.

Who shut down your state for two weeks to flatten the curve, that turned into two years to flatten the economy?
Who shut down your business because it wasn’t considered “essential”?
Who quarantined you in your home and arrested you if you went out for “non-essential” reasons?
Who caused you to stand in the cold outside a store for hours just to get what little was available to feed your family?
Who decided you could buy vegetables but not vegetable seeds?
Who put sick patients back into nursing homes filled with the most vulnerable residents?
Who didn’t allow you to morn your family members deaths or attend new family births?
Who sent heavily armed police squads to shut down your business and place of worship?
Who forced people to choose between an experimental vaccine and food or a job?
Who has increased the costs of all essential goods including food, gas and clothing not seen for four decades?
Who has opened our borders to drugs, disease, crime and anyone that wants to walk in unobstructed?
Who has released criminals into our communities, defunded the police, stopped enforcing laws, and allowed crime to skyrocket as public safety plummets?
Who has been sending our tax dollars overseas when we can’t afford to take care of our own people?
Who has been deliberately suppressing YOUR free speech in partnership with the largest technology and social media companies?
Who has been targeting, harassing and arresting parents and concerned citizens for minor or imaginary crimes with large, heavily armed law enforcement officers using tactics once reserved for the most violent of criminals?
Who has blamed YOU for everything that is wrong with this country, when it was their policies, programs and laws that created the problems in the first place?

We’ve been told over and over that we are violent, out of touch extremists who are a direct threat to democracy, when it was someone else all along. Go figure.

I have high hopes that this election cycle will be the correction of the lies and misinformation that has spread across our country, and there’s only one thing that can make that happen.

It’s time to vote.


Oddstuffing, #Constitution, #BillOfRights, #SecondAmendment, #2A, #Inflation, #Politics, #CivicDuty, #GunControlFails, #GunVote, #medium, #mewe, #parler, #gab, #gettr, #Telegram, #truthsocial,



Odd Stuffing

A weekly commentary on the issues, events and people impacting the Second Amendment community, the state, nation and world.